Another Great Year for the CBA LIVE Conference!

Another Great Year for the CBA LIVE Conference!

Once again – record attendance, sold out exhibit hall and panels packed with some of our industry’s most insightful speakers.

Kicking off the General Sessions was the lively debate between Fintechs vs. Banks (banks being declared winner via live onsite polling), how artificial intelligence is changing the banking world as we know it, and the unknown future of the CFPB under the current administration.

On the Home Equity (HE) track, the overall feel was positive with banks again focusing on HE Lending. Make sure you’re prepared and compliant on your HELOCs – the final rule of the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) is just around the corner, most provisions taking effect Jan. 1, 2018, but according to CBA LIVE panelists, lenders need to be prepared at least 3 months prior to that date.

The biggest takeaway for suppliers is that lenders, more than ever, are focusing in on alternative appraisal solutions to improve the borrower experience and save time and money. There was a lot of excitement in the air surrounding this topic and we look forward to leading the charge in this area with our ValueNet product already solidly in position as the #1 desktop appraisal technology and the first to offer an interior inspection option.

We’d also like to recognize the attendees who joined us for our NCAA Finals event. Thank you for participating – we were able to raise $405 in proceeds for Habitat for Humanity while enjoying a fun evening and great conversation.

We truly appreciate all of our partnerships and look forward to seeing all of you at next year’s CBA LIVE which will be in Orlando, FL on March 12-14, 2018.


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