Tag Archives: digital mortgage

Appraisal Threshold Increase Likely – 2 out of 3 Agencies Vote Yes

The FDIC and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency have decided to increase the FIRREA threshold for residential real-estate transactions requiring an appraisal from $250,000 to $400,000. If the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve also votes to increase as expected, lenders will have access to a new suite of valuations available for loans... Read more

Top 3 Home Equity Lending Takeaways from CBA LIVE 2019

This year marked the centennial for the Consumers Bankers Association and 10 years of CBA LIVE! Once again the conference drew record attendance. The big question dominating the conference was what attendees believed to be the #1 issue NOW for banks. The answer – implementing technology. Retaining talent and mitigating fraud were also on the... Read more